- Sector Meetup
Our People Our Planet
December 13, 2023
After July’s sold-out Impact Investing event with 60 investors and 60 founders attending, we are delighted to announce “Our People Our Planet”, an event exclusive for investors and founders currently raising pre-seed and seed rounds of €50K-€2M within the following key impact themes:
We will be hosting a keynote & panel discussion with various reputable impact VC’s & investors who will talk about the role of our ecosystem in helping ESG startups cross the valley of death. Following these interactive sessions will be the opportunity to establish connections, accompanied by some drinks and bites, so don’t miss out!
Required ESG themes:
Health & Life-sciences
Carbon Neutral innovation
Sustainable Cities & Communities
Energy transition
Responsible Production & Consumption
Food & Agri
Green Chemistry & Bio-Circularity
Deep Tech
14:30 – 15:00: Doors open & coffee
15:00 – 15:10: Welcome by FundsUp
15:10 – 15:30: Keynote: TBA
15:30 – 16:00: Panel discussion on investing in improving the people & planet: TBA
16:00 – 18:30: Networking drinks & snacks
With a shared mission of facilitating investment in impact-driven start-ups, we will take this chance to bring together Founders and Investors seeking to drive the change we need!
* *only 150 tickets available **
This event is organized in partnership with Leapfunder and Venturerock