Currently, the European Ecosystem for early-stage investing is lagging behind the USA. The USA is one extensive ecosystem where the seed capital is better organized. More seed capital is available compared to Europe, and more angels are willing to invest in early-stage companies.
The support and mentoring of angels are as crucial as the higher valuations and longer runways in the USA, allowing for more time for a startup to reach the next phase and become successful.
Fundsup Investor Tables, in combination with the Fundsup Seed Fund, will provide angels with more dry-powder, shared experience, and diversification benefits. The tables will mobilize and attract more angels to the European Startup Ecosystem in the long run.
Fundsup Investor Tables differentiates itself from typical angel syndicates by the commitment given by the table members: the agreement to co-invest for the long term.
The experience gained is locked in the table community, and knowledge is built up and shared. Therefore, you can compare the tables with an expert seed fund instead of opportunity-driven angel syndicates in terms of expertise.
The Fundsup Seed Fund invests alongside the Fundsup Investor Tables based on the aggregate track record of the table members. The Fundsup Investor Tables will be co-funded via a convertible loan provided by the Fundsup Seed Fund of up to EUR250k, matching 35-50% of the total investment.
The direct sourcing with Europe’s top universities provided by the Fundsup community and the Fundsup app ensure top-quality deal flow and a smooth investment process. Origination and investing are made accessible.
Interested to join? Apply as an investor on Fundsup.
Tycho Caus – CEO Fundsup