To support investments in ventures with social and/or environmental impact, FundsUp offers founders the option to associate their profile with one or more UN’s global goals (SDG’s). Impact investors have the opportunity to easily identify relevant impact related startups and learn more about their specific impact.
The Sustainable Development Goals are a set of 17 global goals and have been agreed upon by all governments.
The SDGs were developed through an intensive inclusive process (including more than 1.500 companies through the UN Global Compact) and as a result call for the key role that companies must play in achieving them.
The SDGs succeed the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), expanding the challenges that must be solved to eliminate poverty and embracing a wide range of inter-connected topics across sustainable development.
The goals are universally applicable and create a common language for all actors (governments, international organizations and companies) involved in both developed as well as developing countries. Although the United Nations primarily target governments, the SDGs are designed to rally a wide range of actors to shape priorities for sustainable development efforts around the world in a common framework.